The most common Irish derivation is from the surname Mac Cathmhaoil.
The four most common derivations of the cognomen "Caesar" are given by the writer of the Historia Augusta:
All these have a common derivation from the generic name, "ZO".
The equation has a concrete interpretation that is often used by practitioners and is the basis for the common derivation given in the next subsection.
The aspiration after this effect is very ancient, as we know from the Greek derivation common to both 'epigram' and 'epitaph'.
It now has common derivations such as the "flagship brand" or "flagship product" of a manufacturing company or "flagship store" of a retail chain.
The most common derivation, however, is an Anglicisation of their autonym, or name for themselves: Tsalagi in their language.
It is often suggested that the Chaemae and the Banochaemae are alternative names for the Chamavi, based on a common derivation.
The common derivation of shakti and shaktiman, i.e. Female and male principle in a god implies that shakti and shaktiman are the same.
The versions sampled in the following sections are representative of the most common derivations of the argument.