This common oral lesion is thought to be a reaction to irritation of the tissues and poor oral hygiene.
These lesions common occur by patients with positive ulnar variance.
Intraductal papillomas of the breast are relatively common lesions with an incidence of approximately 2-3% in humans.
Leukoplakia is therefore the most common premalignant lesion that occurs in the mouth.
Radicular Cyst is the most common odontogenic cystic lesion of inflammatory origin.
The most common lesion at this location is a subependymoma, a benign tumor.
The pathology in these extragastric locations is essentially the same as that of the more common gastric lesion.
Hard spots are the most common lesions.
Kaposi has now become a household name because "his" sarcoma is a common lesion in the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.
Ranulas are the most common pathologic lesion associated with the sublingual glands.