Some of these movements have a common lineage, sometimes directly spawning later movements in the same groups.
Many Pushkarna can also trace a common lineage to Sindh.
The news crews spotted them, of course, as they got into an unmarked city car of common lineage.
These Legacies are bound by a common lineage and curse, but hold no overwhelming loyalty to one another.
(32) Indeed, no one has sufficient power to knight a man of common lineage.
Several families of a common lineage live together in a village, and in turn, several related villages form a clan.
Yet they share a common lineage and legacy, and a few inherited the engineering gene.
Despite the many times these small countries squabble amongst themselves, their common lineage ties them together in times of strife.
The most common lineage in the West today.
But the common lineage is almost always obvious.