Along the way there have been common misapprehensions.
But without seeming churlish, I wish to clarify a common misapprehension.
It is a common misapprehension.
In Chapter 6 we shall look at what some of these common misapprehensions are, so that people can avoid creating unnecessary disappointment and frustration for themselves.
Ralph Bunche was a unassuming man - he never bothered, for instance, to correct a common misapprehension that he was born in 1904.
None the less there remain a number of common misapprehensions that need constant clarification.
Another common misapprehension is that leprosy is highly communicable.
Only a quarter tolerated the common misapprehension whereby to decimate has ceased to mean, as in the Roman legions, to slaughter one in 10.
A common misapprehension of Occam's Razor has it that the simpler theory is always the best.
The author seems to be laboring under the misapprehension, common to those who spend years immersed in a subject, that every detail is fascinating.