A common misinterpretation of the case is that the Supreme Court held that women are not persons.
It is this fact which gives the lie to the common misinterpretation of Occam's razor that "the simplest" one is usually the correct one.
A common misinterpretation is that routing loops have anything to do with broadcast storms.
The common misinterpretation of the Hindu caste system is that, a person acquires his caste at birth, which is not so, as explained above.
The Danish involvement in the 'battle' centres entirely on an apparently common misinterpretation of Pictish archaeology.
The questioner exposes a common misinterpretation of what "average life expectancy" means.
His criticism of Berkeley (in the second volume) is, however, based on the common misinterpretation of his theory.
A common misinterpretation of these results was that all NP-complete problems are hard, no chance for good algorithms.
The common misinterpretation of this model is that all bias is conscious and centralized.
Other common misinterpretations are minutes of meetings as communications, deleted work and paying for correcting defects.