These studies have often been problematic, and are hard to compare to each other, as they lack a common nomenclature.
Upon reaching the surface, the term "magma" disappears and "lava" becomes the common nomenclature.
Various types of asymmetrics exist, and a common nomenclature classifies them by code from 0 to 6.
Trading positions are provided in the common nomenclature of long (will happen) and short (will not happen).
The common nomenclature of this pleasing flower is most confusing.
The other major impact on the transfusion community is the classification of various Human blood group systems under a common nomenclature.
For the first time, all the military services bought, stored, and issued items using a common nomenclature.
Despite her common nomenclature it is not certain that Eleanor was her proper name.
These studies have often been problematic and hard to compare to each other due to lack of common nomenclature.
Like other old Sindhi tribes, they are known under the common nomenclature of Sammat.