Because it is so well known, this saying is one of the most common proverbs used in psychological tests for mental illness, particularly schizophrenia, to look for difficulty with abstraction.
In the 1980s and 1990s there were quizzes, crossword puzzles and common proverbs on the back of Jolly's labels:
Scotopic vision, in other words, is in black and white, with, of course, intermediate shades of gray; a fact well expressed by the common proverb that "at night all cats are gray."
Missing vowels - the 3 must add missing vowels to common proverbs or homophones.
The trickster's behavior can be summed up in the common African proverb: "It's trouble that makes the monkey chew on hot peppers."
This incident has given rise to a common legal proverb: "The case is altered, quoth Plowden".
This has led to the common proverb-"A gam amugbu onwu Eke n'anya"-meaning, I shall refuse to die on Eke market, no matter what death decrees.
Pausanias noted some common proverbs in Greek originated from customs of the Tenedians.
I'm going to give you a proverb, a common proverb.
(FI) Mr President, one of the most common proverbs in my country describes alcohol as the drink of the wise.