That was a common ruse; rooms which were kept dark continually were liable to become re- nowned as nests of Refugees.
Another common ruse is to offer free services, such as cholesterol or diabetes screenings, to get Medicare numbers.
Declaring a live animal was the most common ruse to obtain air and water en route.
Another common ruse is to have an accomplice in the group, and that person sits on one side of the medium.
The most common and effective ruse nowadays, according to advocates for immigrants, is to promise to provide a work permit for $2,000.
Most are also not allowed to drive or own cars because offering children a ride is a common ruse of pedophiles.
One common ruse is to clean up a used stamp to make it appear new, a step that may drastically increase its value.
Sailing under false colors was a common ruse, both for predator and prey.
"A common enough ruse to get her out of the way," commented Sir Henry.
Men did better if they travelled with women and hid behind a hedge, a common ruse that sounds like something that only happens in films.