The operations usually caused reduction in sexual desire, with obesity as a common side-effect.
Despite relatively common side-effects, it is used in arrhythmias that are otherwise difficult to treat with medication.
In general, the common side-effects are mild to moderate and self-limiting.
Nausea and vomiting are the most common side-effect of the fluoroquinolones.
Weight gain is a common side-effect of certain psychiatric medications.
The most common side-effects of taking the drug are nervousness and sleeping problems.
The most common side-effects are headache, dry mouth and drowsiness.
Among the most common side-effects of this drug are high blood sugars and increased blood cholesterol levels.
Calcium poses few serious environmental problems, with kidney stones the most common side-effect in clinical studies.
For example, he suffered a relatively common side-effect of strokes: a confusion between the words "yes" and "no".