Conditions that are more common in people with diabetes, such as obesity and high blood pressure, increase the risk for heart failure.
It is also common to state the precision explicitly, such as "47 kΩ 5%"
Religious music is also common, such as hymns, choir music and many more.
Some of those observations can be quite common, such as "scratched by my cat."
Shift work is common in some occupations, such as registered nurses.
Other forms are less common, such as weapons, tools etc.
This includes once common and widespread species such as northern quolls.
These are the kind of signs common along major highways, such as Interstate 95, but rarely seen on local roads.
From the 19th century, alternative leavening agents became more common, such as baking soda.
This pattern was common in early land plants, such as "rhyniophytes".