Clearly, not every invention is destined to become a part of the common vernacular.
Most Japanese kinbakushi do not object to the term shibari, as it's common vernacular in the global community.
The common vernacular for this type of sentence is "house arrest."
The same terms have since become common vernacular to describe any process that smooths an operation.
The council also approves the adoption of words into the Hermat language that have worked their way into the common vernacular.
Whilst many of these terms may have entered the common vernacular, that is not the case with the majority.
The Cebuano language is the common vernacular in Valencia.
Some terminology originating in professional wrestling has found its way into the common vernacular.
It has become common vernacular to refer to the creature by the actual name "Frankenstein", though this actually happens only rarely on screen.
The term originated with Hindustani speakers, such as vendors and traders, and became part of common vernacular.