It is commonly argued that people are not to blame for unconscious motives, but only for conscious ones.
Quast's performance has been commonly argued to be the definitive interpretation of Javert, spawning many similar versions among stage actors afterwards.
It is commonly argued that the number of comets in the solar system is much higher than would be expected given its supposed age.
It is commonly argued that a viewer of this painting has difficulty relating himself to the picture's space.
For one thing, it would have seemed to count against the idea of immortality, for it was commonly argued that only something immaterial could be immortal.
It is commonly argued that these countries benefited greatly by borrowing many of Britain's institutions and laws.
It is commonly argued that the latter is a result of the greater part of his reception having thus far occurred in predominantly francophone milieux.
It is commonly argued that the notion of "creativity" originated in Western culture through Christianity, as a matter of divine inspiration.
Also commonly argued is that when growing indoors, growers already have the ability to initiate flowering with photoperiod/short-day plants at will by changing the lighting.
Nevertheless, security interests are commonly argued to facilitate the raising of capital and hence economic development, which is argued to indirectly benefits all creditors.