In Miami's black neighborhoods, it is also commonly complained that Cubans have gotten more than their share of economic advantages.
Even within households, people with aphasia commonly complain that family members talk around them as if they were not there.
Patients commonly complain of pain when moving the eye, sudden loss of vision, bulging of the eye or eyes that are infected and limited eye movement.
Women commonly complain they have to walk on eggshells, but men do also.
Women commonly complain that their male partner starts out more loving and then gradually becomes passive.
Children commonly complain of not being able to see the board at school.
He commonly complains that things are "mendokusai" (bothersome).
Shiftworkers commonly complain of not being able to get enough sleep and of feeling chronically sleepy.
But even people who have anxiety disorders like phobias do not commonly complain that they have the same anxiety-provoking dream over and over.
Competitors commonly complain that Microsoft business practices are unfair.