Thymol has also been shown to be effective against various fungi that commonly infect toenails.
Flu viruses commonly infect birds the world over, and the action by the United States did bring some criticism.
Pinworms are small, thin worms that commonly infect young children, although anyone can be infected.
The fly commonly infects humans by laying its eggs on wet clothes, left out to dry.
Both viruses commonly infect children, causing mild or symptomless infections.
There are about 30 variants of the virus that commonly infect men and women.
It also commonly infects cherry, walnut, beech, and other tree species.
It has also been shown to be effective against the fungus that commonly infects toenails.
There are three described species of chlamydiae that commonly infect humans:
They commonly infect the skin, eyes, and viscera in humans.