Plato, in his Gorgias, argues that belief is the most commonly invoked truth-bearer.
Nowadays stochastic resonance is commonly invoked when noise and nonlinearity concur to determine an increase of order in the system response.
These are called supplementary services and are commonly invoked by a Vertical service code.
Predeterminedness, or sequential exogeneity, is commonly invoked in dynamic panel models.
This economic argument is commonly invoked against attempts to alleviate unemployment by restricting working hours.
And even in this century, when the wall of separation became commonly invoked, religious schoools have received substantial state subsidies.
As a religious song, this Psalm is commonly invoked in times of hardship.
This is probably the most important, and most commonly invoked, defence to actions for defamation.
Our collective love affair with New York is commonly invoked as a justification for living in a closet.