Adjustments are commonly needed by manually tweaking either the physical or virtual scene for best results.
Make a crib sheet with commonly needed commands.
A nurse comes in every eight hours to provide treatment when appropriate and to dispense prescriptions of commonly needed medicines.
Martial law and paramilitary troops are commonly needed to restore order when the police lose control.
However, "de-activating" is not something commonly needed, done or talked about.
Radical hysterectomy is not commonly needed for this disease.
Age can play a role in whether or not the procedure is warranted, and is commonly needed in younger persons.
Without good metadata, computers cannot easily learn many commonly needed attributes about files.
She had arrived at the paper with one, an accessory not commonly needed by a neighborhood reporter in the county bureau.
On many pages of our web site, in this location you'll find what we consider to be commonly needed information.