The HR is analogous to the innate immune system found in animals, and commonly precedes a slower systemic (whole plant) response, which ultimately leads to systemic acquired resistance (SAR).
Notice that the verbs of reporting are shared: "argues", "suggests", "points out", etc., can be used with quotation or with paraphrase (though only in paraphrase is the reporting verb phrase commonly preceded with "as" and followed by "that" ).
Factors that can lead to transient ischemic attacks are the same as those that commonly precede a stroke.
Long-short R-R interval cycle sequences commonly precede the onset of torsades de pointes.
Detroiters commonly precede freeway names with the word 'the' as in the Lodge, the Southfield, and the Davison.
Diffuse metaplastic lesions commonly precede cancers.
An early symptoms phase of 1-4 days commonly precedes the onset of encephalitis.