Also commonly spelt St Catherine Coleman, the Church was in poor structural condition while Mordecai was there.
Sinéad is also commonly spelled Sinead or Sineád.
The Maloti mountains in the highlands of Lesotho, also commonly spelled "Maluti".
Parvati, the Hindu goddess, commonly spelled Parvathy in southern India.
Also commonly spelled Lachrymatory.
George Town (less commonly also spelt Georgetown,) is the capital of the state of Penang in Malaysia.
Highly phoneticized spelling - People with dyslexia also commonly spell words inconsistently, but in a highly phonetic form such as writing "shud" for "should".
The British commonly spelt the name Goona and Goonah.
Shandaw, most commonly spelled "Shanda" is also a unique woman's name, predominantly used in North America and English-speaking countries.
An example of a phonologically conditioned alternation is the English plural marker commonly spelled s or es.