His view is that things are more complicated than the commonplace notion that the West has become "divided between Europe and America."
In the early 1970s, FSP facilitated the economic growth of local communities when "profit-making" and "business strategies" were hardly commonplace notions among development organizations.
Continuous delivery treats the commonplace notion of a deployment pipeline as a lean Poka-Yoke: a set of validations through which a piece of software must pass on its way to release.
The dictionary is comparable in many respects to Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary, but takes the opposite tack by affirming all the commonplace notions.
These highly public official duties for women contradict the commonplace notion that women in ancient Rome took part only in private or domestic religion.
Of course, the relative liberalism of many of these governing elites hardly sustains the commonplace notion that student radicalism was somehow the product of a society grown far too permissive and consumption-oriented.
THE austere style of the noted flamenco guitarist Paco Pena offers a musical rejoinder to the commonplace notion of flamenco as a colorful, sensual "gypsy" music.
Concerning the proof of facts, Judge Furman rejected the commonplace notion that circumstantial evidence was inferior to direct evidence:
The commonplace notion of a painting - that it is a window on the world - makes this axiom almost literal.
Rosenfeld argues that Paine was highly innovative in his use of the commonplace notion of "common sense."