By averting lawsuits and misunderstandings, these commonsense reforms provide certainty at the workplace and improve labor-management relations.
Some choose to misleadingly cheer short-term gimmicks while demagoguing long-lasting and commonsense reforms.
I urge all of you to join me, to join those who are seeking to pass these commonsense reforms.
They sent me to enact commonsense reforms like those included in the legislation we're discussing today, Mr. Speaker.
Republicans will continue to make workplace safety a policy priority through enforcement of existing laws and commonsense reforms to enhance the safety and well-being of America's workers.
Rep. King Proud to Vote Against Obamacare - Supports commonsense reforms to our health care system - 4/6/10.
Rep. King Speaks Out on Health Care - Supports commonsense reforms to our healthcare system.
The bill includes commonsense reforms like:
We must repeal this law and move forward with commonsense reforms that will improve our nation's healthcare system and provide even greater access to more Americans.
On the Committee, Roby was a strong advocate for commonsense reforms.