Palmer briefly tried to establish a second communal enterprise, founding the Leominster and Harvard Benevolent Association with Charles Lane.
Appropriately, therefore, the presentation, directed by Hideo Kimura, resembled a communal enterprise.
In addition the status itself carries high prestige: Rosenfeld notes that leader-managers are 'respected for their contribution to the communal enterprise as leaders, organizers, managers of farms and shops'.
Kibbutzim were not the only contemporary communal enterprises: pre-war Palestine also saw the development of communal villages called moshavim (singular moshav).
It revealed his old-fashioned sense of Israel as a giant kibbutz, a communal enterprise.
Using the tonal musical language, melodies, harmonies and textures were shaped into highly charged tales of solitary desire and communal enterprise, primal encounters and heroic efforts.
It has changed the process of music-making from a communal enterprise to an increasingly solitary one.
His works now are exotic communal enterprises, strange explorations of acoustical and philosophical and religious territory that few listeners ever hear, let alone try to come to terms with.
It is a communal enterprise, its success sustained by the order of social life.
At the same time, human labor on Mars is part of a communal enterprise, given to the common good.