She entered and followed him into the communal hall where they all took their meals.
The Saravali is located 1 km of the former communal hall and now the municipal district hall.
A synagogue seating 1,350 and a communal hall were opened in 1925.
Houses were small and gathered around a large communal hall.
Yes, but then I've gotten used to scrounging breakfast in the corner of the kitchen or going down to a communal hall.
Later on, they had to do a sales pitch to a larger group of villagers that had gathered in the communal hall.
His first trial came at dinner, which he took in a communal hall resembling a military mess but with food placed on the tables.
It has a communal hall, a library, a shopping mall and a school.
There were 41 homes, a communal hall, a winery, workshops, barns and sheds.
Breakfast is provided every morning in the communal hall, and several times a week there is a table d'hôte evening meal.