"I want their lives to improve before my own eyes," he once said, remembering growing up in a single room in a cold, communal hut.
Celebrations to celebrate the new year were cancelled, or moved into communal huts with people sheltering indoors.
After the first excavations, the Monsú mound was found to be a communal hut that had strong wood logs around it and was built on different levels, each one from a different period of time.
He hadn't followed her to the communal hut last night when she'd run off, so naturally when she'd had time to calm down and think things over she had assumed he wasn't interested in her anymore.
Davi Kopenawa Yanomami had left his communal hut and traveled from his village deep in the Amazon rain forest to tell of the horrors that white men were visiting upon his people.
In his autobigography, "Against the Grain," he describes in detail an impoverished childhood spent in a communal hut, where all the children and the family goat slept together on the floor.
To remain on the mountain, one must rough it in communal huts, but the trails lead right into villages with charming and agreeable inns.
Brand stood in the doorway of the fetid communal hut, glowering down at the eight Englishmen facing him.
At night in their communal hut, the Arakmbut men welcomed him into a warm body pile.
Guests can also chill in hammocks in the communal hut.