The subordinate staff are scared to move freely in the interior and little communication exists.
The maneuver is performed to determine if a perforation or antral communication exists.
This theory is not intended for direct application, but rather to explain how communication exists.
First, the student thought that no communication existed between himself and John because the encounters were negative.
How much communication existed between the day and night identities of each noctambulo was something that no one had been clearly able to determine.
Each rhysh is private unto itself-though I am told that communication exists between them.
But what little unspoken communication had existed between them in the past no longer worked.
Picard was reminded of all that Ariel had taught him about the many levels beyond words on which communication existed.
Technical translation is the medium through which language, discourse and communication can exist in a global world.
During this period of operation, communications via satellite did not yet exist.