Conceptually, a primary lander is a higher-grade computing engine that also acts as a communication relay, much like a planetary internet router between the tiers.
It would travel with the orbiter, which would also function as a communication relay to Earth.
From 1967 up until the present time, numerous military systems and units utilized the location since it was a valuable high-ground location for communication relays.
Which also function as a communication relay.
Tucked under its eighteen-inch span, the communication relay glinted gilt.
Following its progress through communication relays, from time to time the intelligence at base ordered a change of course that would make for better speed.
"Hang on, while I set up communication relay to the Deux, via the Shrakken ground-to-ground terminals, and we can go."
As the Navy's first major communication relay ship, Annapolis was busy with acceptance trials for the rest of the year.
Bob had to serve as communication relay as his guest helped guide Seever's manipulation.
These neurons act as a key communication relay and form a pathway between the brainstem arousal systems and frontal lobe regions.