The researchers used participants from a Midwestern university's communication courses.
The communications courses better the ability of professionals to translate thoughts to words.
While in the police academy Schwartz took an interest in a body language and communications course.
And while some medical schools now offer basic communication courses, more sophisticated training for specialists is uncommon.
Its 12 undergraduates and 64 master's students (more are sure to follow) can choose from 37 communications courses - all for about $4,000 a year.
The slogan for the program is "Freedom to Jump" and was developed by students in a communication course.
The academic field originated from communication courses that taught students in the agricultural sciences how to communicate.
The news media comes swarming at them in a pennant race, and they handle it like adults who have taken communications courses.
It provides courses in the arts, sciences and information technology along with visual communication courses.
Holden now teaches political science and communications courses at Webster University.