I believe it was an interplanetary communications laser.
The three K'k'tict had been completely blinded by the planetary communications laser striking its dish a hundred meters in front of them.
The communications laser wasn't a mystery.
They had given up trying to scrape away Streaker's dangerous, cloying outer layer, and were working instead on the communications laser.
There were several models of communications lasers which would have done the job - and the cheapest was only three hundred dollars.
Touching a keyboard, she pinpointed the Investor ship with a communications laser and sent it a pulse of data: a business offer.
News from the colonies was sparse, though Jinx and Home had excellent communications lasers.
If Phaethon had money enough to rent an orbital communications laser, he could contact the Neptunians.
It must have been made with the base's communications laser.
Tucker sent the credit information directly Earthward by a small communications laser that George had assembled for them.