And in February, more than 60 countries agreed to open their markets to foreign communications providers.
As well, I hope they're interested in having us be the communications provider in their infrastructure.
Mediacom is a cable television and communications provider in the United States.
Equant was started in 1995 by transforming an airline reservation system into a global communications provider.
(They were the first communications provider to use this strategy called beta-testing, a term used for many years in the software development industry).
Olivetti, a typewriter maker turned computer company and then communications provider, has struggled in recent years.
Revenue at Intelsat, which is the world's dominant satellite communications provider, has increased steadily in recent years.
Section 212 stopped a communications provider from disclosing the contents of communications with another party.
Many competitive local communications providers spend millions of dollars tearing up streets to create new fiber optic networks.
The city's communications provider Skytel indicated it was prepared to release the text messages if the court ruled accordingly.