The brand-name advertising of Underwater Alt aims to associate Lucent with the futuristic, high-end segment of the communications web.
It was broadcast across every channel of the communications web.
Soon, the mind would encompass the total datastores and communications web of this planet, Legis XV.
If you wanted a bigger communications web, why wait until now to do something about it?
Telephone wires and cables connect your home phone to a huge communications web.
There was an undercurrent of expectation in the control room as the master switch was unshielded; the communications web checked; the technicians readied.
The tyranny of Ferris Fremont would be toppled by a number of extensions of the intergalactic communications web.
It was too easy to gain access to a Company's computer records when everyone used the same communications web.
The disappearance of a planet from the communications web, or even its total annihilation, was not a total death for them.
The voice of the Soro matriarch growled out of the communications web.