According to Schmid, media can basically be defined as follows: They are enablers of interaction, i.e. they allow for exchange, particularly the communicative exchange between agents.
This context is essentially one's image of what his or her belief consists of regarding general truths within communicative exchanges.
They occur in the physical spaces, electronic spaces, economic transactions, and communicative exchanges of knowledge tasks.
'In the bezoaric effect...unconscious elements of traumatic experience shift, realign and transform through communicative exchange in therapy'.
Interpreters cannot carry the whole of the interlingual and intercultural burden of the communicative exchange.
The communication is understood as an infinite process where both parties change in the course of the communicative or translational exchange.
There is a "lack of fit" Hall argues "between the two sides in the communicative exchange".
The most basic of these idealized presuppositions is the presupposition that participants in communicative exchange are using the same linguistic expressions in the same way.
No number of thought experiments can replace a communicative exchange with others regarding moral norms that will affect them.
The flesh and blood insights of participants in communicative exchange are refracted through the universal guidelines explicated from the deep structures of communication and argumentation.