The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.
The second kind of implicatures come about by overtly and blatantly not following some maxim, in order to exploit it for communicative purposes.
But not all pretended deeds have to fall short of their normal function in order to accomplish their communicative purpose.
It is the rheme that fulfils the communicative purpose of the utterance.
The remaining elements complete the information and fulfil the communicative purpose of the utterance.
Crests on the skull were pervasive among theropods and may have been used for communicative purposes such as species or gender recognition.
The materials are simple, but used with good judgment and communicative purpose.
Rather, to become proficient in the second language, the learner must be given opportunities to use it for communicative purposes.
Some scholars view language as initially a cognitive development, its 'externalisaton' to serve communicative purposes occurring later in human evolution.
Language testing assumes that scores are indexical of the linguistic abilities required for a real-world communicative purpose.