The communists returned fire and managed to kill Ou Yang's bodyguard, and wounded his leg.
One night, the local populace reported that a bandit had returned to the hamlet and the communists managed to capture him.
The communists managed to retain control of the government in the first round of elections under the interim law, but fell two months later during a general strike.
After breaching the defense of the town at the northern and eastern gates, the attacking communists managed to besiege the surviving nationalists at their corps headquarter located in the library building.
Moreover, the communist managed to get their party comrade Johs.
As a result, communists only managed to completely annihilate nationalist forces at six targets out of the original sixteen, with the nationalist forces at the rest ten slipped away.
The communists had managed to kill 104 enemy troops, and captured another 1,244, including the commander Zhao Shusen (赵树森).
Only about five hours after the first shot was fired did the communists manage to break their defences and set the place ablaze.
Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet empire, let us not provoke what the communists of those days did not manage to do: to put Serbia in the exclusive sphere of Moscow.
The communists managed to capture more than 800 defenders alive and over 300 guns in their victory.