Jews were also reminded to pay the tax that Jewish communities imposed on themselves for self-help.
Two months later, the country suffered a terrible coup d'etat, and the international community imposed a two years embargo on Haiti.
Many communities across the country have imposed such one-time assessments, called impact fees, so that developments help pay for the additional services they require.
The bill would let communities impose fines on violators of up to $1,000 and community service.
In 1999, the international community imposed sanctions on the Taliban, calling for bin Laden to be surrendered.
The international community cannot simply impose peace.
The community imposed the ban for what it says are health reasons.
The international community should impose a framework to avoid an escalation of armed conflict and enhance human security.
The international community must impose a cease-fire in Kosovo.
Altogether, more than 1,000 communities have imposed juvenile curfews.