In some areas, this is done at home by a community midwife; in others, you'll be asked to visit the hospital.
In practice, a community midwife often signs over your care to a health visitor about ten days after the birth, if all's well.
At home, you'll get a number of visits from a community midwife.
It is portable and could also be used by a community midwife.
She says staffing problems in her area aren't especially acute - but that these days, short hospital stays mean more work for the community midwives.
Once home, Kim looked forward to getting help from the community midwives.
A good community midwife also gives you emotional support and reassurance.
Every mother and baby is visited daily by a community midwife for 10 days.
If it's negative you can contact the community midwives of whom there are five in Darlington.
Or if you prefer, you could call a community midwife and arrange your care with her instead?