Usually it's a community built and operated solely to support a single company.
Community Health Center of Richmond - Staten Island's first community owned and operated primary health clinic.
In 1970 Trzin again became an independent local community, operated within the municipality of Domžale.
The single-level detached houses are in communities designed and operated primarily as homeowner associations.
Increasingly, such public safety dispatch locations are becoming community owned and operated resources.
The town's community owned and operated retail businesses have funded many important public facilities, including the Senior Citizens' Club, the swimming pool, the kindergarten and recreation areas.
World Wide Community Radio has been driven by participatory methodologies with rich examples of community radio providing a non-profit community owned, operated and driven model of media.
Today, it is a private year-round community owned and operated by the Normanoch Association, a homeowners' association.
Freechal announced its plans to shut down communities operated by those who fail to pay the fee.
KFSK is a community owned and operated public radio station.