He said a more important deadline would be the end of 1992, by which time the community plans to remove all internal trade barriers.
The community is planning to build a wastewater treatment facility in the near future.
This community plans to help provide education, and training in new energy, and also plans to be a resource for business building.
The community is planning on having lifeguards working in the summer months and it will be the perfect spot for the whole family to swim.
It helps communities plan the construction of buildings and fields, making sure the environment is not harmed in the process.
Later this summer, the community, organized around a nonprofit educational center, plans two, two-week programs for social studies teachers to learn about Islamic history.
"Should all other measures fail, the community plans to continue the fight in court."
Many communities also plan local celebrations throughout the year.
Some communities are now planning longer programs and others would like to add them.
The community plans to make this festival an annual event.