"But New York was chosen because the community represented the best overall financial, cultural, transportation venue and labor package."
While still small, the community represents something of a rebirth for the Jewish population here, which reached 25,000 in the late 1930's.
The community represents a large and growing market for American entertainment programming.
Since the local elections on September 10, 2006, two parties and one selector's community (Wählergemeinschaft) represent it.
The community represents all levels of occupational achievement.
Thus depleted communities represent these concentrations of poverty and oppression even though they may have experienced capitalist wealth in the past.
Mexico's remaining Cornish community represents a largely forgotten immigrant story.
The financial community represents as much as 15 percent of the Panamanian economy, according to Government figures.
The German-speaking community represented only a very small portion of the population.
This community is characterised by an abundant green mass and represents good grazing grounds for larger livestock ( cattle, horses).