Local community-based agencies that implement innovative plans to help LIHEAP eligible households reduce their energy vulnerability can receive these funds.
Over the past 15 years, several other similar community-based agencies have lost city contracts for various reasons including poor performance or mismanagement.
A conservation authority is a local, community-based environmental agency based in Ontario, Canada.
Instead of targeting the powers that are gentrifying our neighborhood, they choose to attack a small, community-based agency that has been providing low-cost housing for years.
In New York, a bill calling for a state ombudsman program, which would include a network of community-based agencies to provide direct help to all health care consumers, is under consideration.
Foremost is the technical and financial assistance provided to community-based agencies to enable them to provide the best possible services to people who depend on them.
They are in the business of education, and community-based agencies can provide support.
Long-established as a community-based agency, face-to-face contact is the hallmark and the primary means of delivering service.
We have limited experience with after-school programs, but the county Youth Board and community-based agencies like Tempo have had that experience.
That's why successful reform demands the inclusion of community-based agencies experienced in outreach and service delivery.