As more children and adults with severe-to-profound head injury are saved, the need for community-based care grows.
Right now, there is a bias in the Medicaid program in favor of institutional rather than home and community-based care.
Medicaid should recognize home and community-based care as "a preferred alternative" to nursing homes.
The 855-bed hospital, now with 360 patients, is scheduled to close June 30, 1998, under a plan to put greater emphasis on community-based care.
Article: Issues in community-based care among homeless minorities.
However, some states saw this as an excuse to close expensive state hospitals without spending some of the money on community-based care.
Studies over the last decade show that expanding home and community-based care adds to health costs.
The main advantages of community-based care are as follows:
New York has been in the vanguard of states using home- and community-based care for people outside nursing homes.
He said that many former residents had been transferred to group homes and community-based care.