While most people assume that rehab refers to a specialist residential facility where people stay for weeks or months on end in an attempt to get clean, the most common place to receive treatment is in a community-based clinic, as an outpatient.
According to OPA, Title X operates by granting funds to a network of community-based clinics that provide contraceptive services, related counseling, and other preventive health services.
These institutions strongly support expansion of community-based clinics.
Dr. Salvana, 36, is the H.I.V. clinical director at the Hill Health Center, a community-based clinic in New Haven.
Just as St. Vincents uses community-based clinics to draw patients into its system, Beth Israel bought a chain of primary care centers called DOCS to extend its reach into the boroughs and suburbs.
But the approach required construction of a network of community-based clinics, where patients could continue to receive treatment.
She maintained a chiropractic practice in the Castro for more than 15 years where she developed a community-based private clinic.
HRSA's health center program supports medical, oral and behavioral health services to uninsured and underinsured individuals through a nationwide network of community-based clinics and mobile medical vans.
The College has pioneered a clinical system, with several natural care centers, more than 150 community-based private-practice clinics, and final term preceptorship opportunities around the world.