In 2004, Hurricane Films began work on a community-based writing project that would become a feature film.
International sales from the documentary and donations raised around £1million and this money was put into 18 different community-based projects working with disadvantaged children.
Thank you for your continued support of community-based projects which have an impact.
In fact, there are many incarnations of these community-based projects.
As it was, she says the situation had gone too far for community-based projects.
Projects involve a group of international volunteers, living and working together on a community-based project for a short period of time (typically 2-3 weeks).
A community project is a term applied to any community-based project.
During this fixed period, 5th hour students hold meetings and engage in community-based projects.
The firm has completed over 25 community-based projects within the Seattle metropolitan area.
In 2003 a community-based project to regenerate Richmond Station was given the go ahead.