The Valley Channel is a local television station which provides community-oriented programs, news talk shows, and coverage of local high school sporting events and Utah State University hockey.
Through these and other community-oriented programs, the Bayview YMCA has created replicable models for truancy abatement, youth development, family reunification and bridging health disparities.
Since that time, donations to the National Golden Eagle Fund have provided $1,000 grants to charitable organizations for community-oriented programs primarily serving the aged.
But because the district wants to be more than just a place of academic excellence, the schools offer a number community-oriented programs, Mrs. Doyle said.
Motorist Assistance Program (M.A.P.) - a community-oriented program to assist stranded motorists on interstate highways within Calcasieu Parish.
But there would also be more practical action and creative community-oriented nonviolent programs as part of a broader passive resistance campaign, he said.
The Center for Jewish, Christian and Islamic Studies supports the academic and community-oriented programs that promote interfaith dialogue and collaboration among the "religions of the book."
ExoSee is a private community-oriented file-sharing program that lets people download and share files with users all over the world.
The club is actively involved several community-oriented programs built around anti-racism, intercultural understanding, a campaign against violence in families, and a campaign for respect for homosexuals known as "Respect-Gaymes".
WYAB airs many local and community-oriented programs as well numerous public affairs programming, and special events and news reporting as well.