Fairchild is selling many of its other businesses, which range from commuter aircraft to doorknobs.
It provided in-flight meals for passengers on large commuter aircraft.
The agency also said it had issued new wing de-icing regulations for commuter aircraft last January.
This caused the takeoff distance to be 6000 feet, making it unappealing as a commuter aircraft.
He added many commuter aircraft are boarded by way of a stairway built into the door that often cannot support more than one person.
But the market for commuter aircraft has since softened, and the actual selling price could be lower, analysts said today.
Towards the end, commercial use was mostly in the form of small commuter aircraft flying regionally.
Long-haul service to other states was possible, but only on commuter aircraft with no more capacity than 56 passengers.
Thomas Chang is a pilot, qualified on several commuter aircraft.
Pratt supplies engines for corporate jets, regional commuter aircraft and other markets.