It is scheduled to give final approval this week to a companion document, which sets accounting standards for public employers that sponsor such plans.
This seminal universal design document is harmonized with A117.1 and a companion document to the New York City Building Code.
Their analysis became the basis for two companion documents titled a Qual-itative Analysis of BSE Risk Factors in the United States and a Quantitative Risk Assessment.
The Pastorale Officium has been seen as a companion document for Sublimis Dei.
However a companion document suggested that all of the increase was intended for Honduras.
Policy Report: In February 2009, the WCRF global network published Policy and Action for Cancer Prevention, a companion document to the Second Expert Report.
Complaints were made at the Conference that no scientist had been permitted to examine the map and its companion documents in all the years of study since 1957.
Today the treaty was extended indefinitely as part of a package with companion documents calling for more progress in disarmament and a strengthened system of monitoring compliance with the pact.
The plan also analyzed air quality impacts of future land development and transportation change; these studies were carried out in a companion document prepared by Earthmetrics, and these analyses were used to size the future roadway system and intersection controls.
The standard is a 'companion document', which is thus primarily of used for security professionals involved in evaluating compliance with ISO/IEC 15408 (Information technology-Security techniques-Evaluation criteria for IT security).