The company CEO was quoted as saying that this donation will "immediately make a difference" in thousands of lives.
An America where a rising tide really did lift all boats, from the company CEO to the guy on the assembly line.
On April 5, 2012, David Kim stepped down from his position as company CEO.
He was the only public company CEO supporting this position in Silicon Valley.
The company CEO is Peter Rose, no relation to the baseball player of the same name.
Among them: recording company CEOs, famous journalists, popular artists and just celebrities.
Big company CEOs put the show on for guests and investors and underlings.
Skúli Mogensen is the company CEO and sits on the five person board of directors.
For the company CEO making $1,000,000/year, $57,500 would be less than 1/4 of his $250,000 profit sharing cut.
I met a big-shot former Fortune 500 company CEO who explained to me that he used to have three secretaries.