The company has since been accumulating claims, which are now being prepared as a consolidated claim, said an industry executive familiar with the situation.
By the early 1980s the company had accumulated profits of about one billion kronor.
The company's core business has been sound, though the company has accumulated $10 billion of debt over the years to finance its growth.
However, by then the company had accumulated over US$2.1 billion in long-term debt.
However, the company had accumulated US$105 million in long-term debt by then as well.
But by then, the company had accumulated US$206 million in long-term debt.
However, by then the company had accumulated nearly US$520 million in long-term debt.
The company accumulated its debt in a failed effort to build thousands of subway cars.
By March 2012, the company had accumulated a net income of over $80 million.
Since its start-up, the company has accumulated a deficit approaching $40 million.