Kmart also disclosed that the two companies have been battling over the contract since last fall.
These companies individually have never battled more than 20 oil fires at the same time anywhere in the world.
The state and company have battled over a computer system designed in 1991 to handle welfare payments.
The company and the union have been battling over job cuts and hiring preferences.
Industry experts said many companies are battling to overcome what happened to the recycled paper business.
The company, which also operates as National Helicopter, has been battling the city for years.
At the end of last year, the company was battling rumors of bankruptcy.
For years, the city and the company have been battling in court over repairs and rent.
The appeals court is not the only place where the two companies are battling.
But for the moment both companies are battling poor earnings and difficult forecasts for the rest of the year.