That agency requires companies to calculate pension values in a different way.
During the same period, the company calculates, the strong yen cost it nearly $1.7 billion.
The company calculated recently that its alternative fuel trucks had driven 108 million miles since 2000.
The company calculated that Jesus attracted about 90 million viewers.
The company calculates that to be about $1,100 less per person than what comparable banking companies and their workers will typically spend.
The ad campaign is so heavy that the company calculates each person in the target group will see the ads 17 times.
About 2,500 are being sought for trials to determine the drug's effectiveness, the company has calculated.
To decide if it's worthwhile, you should look closely at how companies calculate the sums they offer.
The company or organization then would calculate what levels of Risk they can take with different events.
He estimated that his company had calculated a credit score for about 75 percent of American adults.