The company, co-owned by professional skateboarders Danny Way and Colin McKay, sells both soft and hard goods, including skateboard decks, wheels, jeans, hooded jumpers, and jackets.
Companies established under private law, in particular multi-municipal companies co-owned by Águas de Portugal, thus sell water to municipalities, providing water indirectly in bulk to 53% of the population.
Tronder Power Limited is a Ugandan company co-owned by Tronder Energy Limited and Norfund.
The channel is broadcast into Iran from Hong Kong by a company co-owned by Rupert Murdoch.
In December 2009, In Touch sold the network to the ComStar Media Fund, a private company co-owned by Robert A. Schuller.
It said a company co-owned by Mr. Taub's son, Jay, had received $420,000 in Medicaid payments by submitting improper claims for home health aide costs for residents.
In 1997, as a shareholder group was complaining about such ties, Enron acquired a company co-owned by Mark Lay that hoped to go into the business of trading paper and pulp products.
In August, 2009, the OEC subpoenaed records from his office related to contracts his office awarded to Qwestcom Graphics, a company co-owned by Mason's business partner.
They are made by Hiolive, a company co-owned by Mr. Benesh and an Israeli Arab, Imad Salaimi, who also does some product development work for Olivia.
The proceedings "involve substantial claims to recover the proceeds of the diluted interest", said Sibir Energy, a company co-owned by the billionaire Shalva Chigirinsky.