Once a month the company computer calls the car through the cell-phone modem and retrieves the records of the month's travel activity.
A worker may bring in a game diskette borrowed from a friend and plug it into a company computer, for example.
Tom is unable to access the company computer to seek confirmation because Meredith has locked him out of the system.
Now, you need an efficient, trusted hacker, who knows how to bypass security on the company computer.
But many companies have the technical means to track the online activities of employees who use company computers and servers.
Documents created on a company computer might have copies stored on both the server and the local work station.
It involves company computers masquerading as those of its users.
Before he begins hacking the company computer, he suggests they have an alcoholic drink.
Since the phone company computers were connected to the Fort.
And what about using the company computer to answer surveys?